About: Rita S. Ryan

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“I’ve taken up a new “Healthy hobby” “Ballooning”, and went for my second time crewing on Sunday this time with a pilot from Colorado Springs. I hadn’t planned on going up especially with all the rain we have been having, but at the last min. the young (Chinese) lady that was to fly got spooked and so I took her place. We flew for about 40 min. west of the field in Rio Rancho, it was sooooo much fun. We flew quite low to the ground to avoid the scattered clouds that were chasing us. Watching the Jackrabbits run wild through the bracken was quite thrilling. Even though I had been up before as recently as June when I crewed for another balloonist from Pagosa Springs, add the element of danger and the flight takes on a whole new life. We had to deal with some sudden wind and find just the right landing spot so when we were dragged by the wind it would not be into the trees. After we landed on our side (up-side down is what the pilot called it) the envelope deflated and we crawled out just as the crew was driving up. The pilot did a remarkable job of detailing to me just how to position my body for the least amount of impact and how to keep from straining or breaking any bones. We all agreed that probably was not the best flight for someone’s first time and so it was a good thing I went instead. All I have is a tiny scratch on one knee and enough excitement to last a good long while!”